COVID-19 Update: Mask Requirement Effective for 30-Days

Face Mask Required

Masks are Required to enter Public Buildings, including Martin Memorial Hall, the 1879 Schoolhouse, and the Library, in the Town of Weathersfield.

The State of Emergency in Vermont expired on June 15, 2021. The governor called the Legislature for a special session on Monday, November 22nd after legislative leaders called for a renewal of the State of Emergency and a statewide mandate. The Governor refused to declare another state of emergency; however, he offered the local option as an “olive branch” to the leaders. This allows towns to pass their own mask mandates for 30-day increments until the end of April 2022.

While the Selectboard did not create a mask mandate, they did vote to require masks in Town buildings (Martin Memorial Hall, 1879 Schoolhouse, and the Library), which is effective for the next 30-days. The board will revisit this topic at the end of December to determine if they will reinstate the requirement for another 30-days.

Please keep in mind, employees in the Town Office are not required to wear their mask when they are alone in their office, however, when residents enter the office employees are required to respectfully put their mask on before they come into contact with you. Additionally, employees must wear a mask if they need to be within 6 feet from one another. The reason this is an important distinction is because if you come into the office and see an employee without a mask, rest assured, our employees will put a mask on prior to coming into contact with you.

The Town of Weathersfield has made significant changes to the building throughout the pandemic to insure we can safely conduct town business, including plexiglass barriers, sanitizing stations, social distancing floor markers, signage, etc. We are also in the planning process of making additional improvements to our buildings to respond to COVID-19 or any other illnesses we may encounter in the future. Our staff are well trained to respond to COVID-19. If employees have symptoms they work remotely until they are symptom free and a negative test result has been received.

We were awarded a grant last year from the State of Vermont to purchase the technology we need to successfully work remotely in the case of office closures due to exposure. During these closures we are well equipped to conduct the majority of town business from home. For example, last week there was a COVID exposure in the Town Office. The Emergency Management Director and I immediately closed the office to the public and sent our staff home to work remotely until negative results were received. We conducted contact tracing and notified anyone we came into contact with in the case additional employees tested positive. Fortunately everyone tested negative and we reopened the office today.

I understand this has been a difficult time for everyone. Please use your best judgement when you enter any facility in any town. Be mindful of others and do your part to reduce the spread of any disease or illness.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the Town Office at (802) 674-2626 or by email at