Green Up Day Vermont May 7th, 2022

Green up Vermont Poster

Green up Vermont Poster

Green up Day Info Sheet

The Clean Every Mile Challenge

Consider your town challenged! My goal is to get you all nationally recognized for the work this state is doing!

You can print your town road map found here:

It will give you total miles of town roads - we are not including State or US highways in this for safety and legal reasons. Challenge your families, schools, sports teams, scouts, Rotaries, Lions Clubs, church groups etc. to sign up for a section of road. I will share your good work on our social channels on Green Up Day and beyond so text me when you have it all covered or updates along the way - I will share it. 802-522-7245. Photos are great too. People love a good challenge - have fun with this!


Utilize the App

Green Up Vermont in iPhone app stores and greenupvermont on Google Play. People can build teams, watch the competitive leader board and drop pins in your town to let you know where the bags are. I am working on building a cheat sheet to explain more and will send that along once I have completed it. 


Collect the Data

Even if you don’t have all the answers, try to collect as much as you can and email it in to after Green Up Day. This is super helpful when applying for grants and other funding that might get us some help with tire disposal, recycling and more educational programing into schools. Do your best, doesn’t have to be perfect or complete. Your best is much appreciated! (Data form attached)


Text your pictures and short detail to 802-522-7245

I will give you a shout out on our social channels on Green Up Day and beyond. I love sharing YOUR good work and applauding you. 


Reach out to your schools

Kids LOVE Green Up Day and you can empower them to become young influencers for a cleaner environment. Many may already participate but some just need a little stroke of opportunity and voila! Lots of volunteers with lots of energy.


Thank you all so VERY much for your service to your communities and Vermont. I am here to help, answer questions, and work relentlessly for you all. Your feedback is always considered, worked on and appreciated.


Yours in service,

Kate Alberghini, executive director

Green Up Vermont


Green Up Day is May 7